Art Club - 9/12

This week in Art Club we sanded off some rough edges on our ceramic project greenware to get it ready for bisque firing. Then we tried our hand at some leather tooling. It got very noisy with all the mallets hammering at once. First we dampened the leather pieces and after demonstration, students experimented with using our leather stamps to create designs. Many of the finished pieces went straight home but a few remained for me to snap a pic. I'll show how the leather can be stained next week for those who want to continue working with leather.

Solar Eclipse Paintings

Students created a Solar Eclipse inspired painting in the style of Amate Mexican Bark paintings and Huichol Mexican yarn paintings. Each student wrote a short poem to accompany their work. They chose to write their poems as either a Haiku, Cinquain, Limerick or Free Style poem. Once the paintings were finished and hung on the wall, students participated in the evaluation process that gave them a chance to show how well they could use art vocabulary to make a statement.

Art Club Ceramics

In Art Club we used bits and bobs of natural flora (plants). Students formed a small slab of clay. pressed their plants into the clay surface and draped the slabs over a newspaper form to give it a curve. Here is the finished first step. When the clay dries it will be "bisque" fired in a ceramic kiln. During firing, the plant materials will burn away leaving only their impressions. Stay tuned for pictures as we complete this project.

Art Club First Meeting

After reviewing some of the nitty gritty info like having a FNSBSD club activity form completed and on file, we dove right into some paint, hands first.